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    Mel-Drain 5035 Drain Board - 4' x 50'

    Mfr.: WR Meadows
    Item: I042226
    Mfr. #: 5755035
    Pickup at San Diego | Change Delivering to | Change

    Price: $276.54
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    MEL-DRAIN drainage products combine geotextile filter fabrics with specially designed drainage cores.  This geocomposite allows the passage of moisture through the fabric while preventing fine soils from entering the drainage channel. Various drain designs are available, depending on compressive strength and flow rate requirements. (An optional polyester backing film is available when used in conjunction with flexible waterproofing material.)  The family of MEL-DRAIN products provides excellent protection and drainage performance for vertical, horizontal, or site drainage applications.


    Used in conjunction with a total W. R. MEADOWS moisture protection system, MEL-DRAIN is the ideal choice for enhanced waterproofing protection of basement walls, plaza decks, earth-sheltered homes, commercial buildings, retaining walls, underground parking, site drainage, etc.


    • High flow capacity, without clogging/Relieves hydrostatic pressure buildup.
    • High compressive strength/Dependable, long life performance.
    • Easy to install; durable under jobsite conditions/Lower total installed cost.
    • Chemically resistant to all naturally occurring soil conditions/Wide variety of applications.
    • Provides protection for waterproofing materials/Enhances waterproofing performance.
    • Part of a complete W. R. MEADOWS moisture protection system/Worry-free, single-source solution.
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