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    Topcast 50 - Canary Green - 1/8" - 3/8" Etch - 5 Gallon Pail

    Item: I052984
    Pickup at Buena Park | Change Delivering to | Change

    Price: $277.30
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    Top-Cast is a water-based, top-surface retarder which does not require covering with plastic for protection. It is available in 12 depths of etch, each one color and number coded for safety and convenience.

    Ideal for cast-in-place flatwork and the top surface of precast concrete panels. The wide selection of grades available provides a comprehensive range of effects, from a simulated light acid wash or sand blast finish up to full exposure of 1-1/4 in. (32 mm) aggregate.


    • Comprehensive range of etch depths
    • Excellent depth of etch control
    • Color and Number coded products
    • Pigmented for ease of application
    • Excellent coverage rates
    • Requires no plastic covering
    • Fast turnaround
    • Low odor